14.07.2015 в 12:12
Пишет Шкав:ну ахуеть теперь
URL записи14.07.2015 в 09:03
Пишет Shellar Arranktur:!!!!!!!!!
Твою то бога душу мать...
Послетитровая сцена в Муравье
Full Ant Man end credits scene with Sam, Steve and Bucky
“They speak of Iron Man. if they should tell him or not. if it will help or not? and even if he wanted to, agreements with the shield or the government would not allow it! Captain says we’re alone and then the Falcon answered that no, he knows someone (speaking of Ant-Man)”
URL записиТвою то бога душу мать...
Послетитровая сцена в Муравье
Full Ant Man end credits scene with Sam, Steve and Bucky
“They speak of Iron Man. if they should tell him or not. if it will help or not? and even if he wanted to, agreements with the shield or the government would not allow it! Captain says we’re alone and then the Falcon answered that no, he knows someone (speaking of Ant-Man)”