Few weeks ago during the medical inspection I was told that I have flat feet. I felt scandalized, cause flat-foot was something I would never suspect myself of. My thoughts have kept lingering round this subject ever since.
So yesterday I bought myself orthopedic insoles. You know, those with bulges meant to keep arches in a proper position. They suit everyone with size 37 and have no contra-indications (as it is written on the wrapping).
And geez, either I’m way too flat-footed, or they seriously messed up during the production of those.Some people seem to have no idea of a human foot. It’s ok as far as they don’t devote themselves to production of orthopedic insoles. But if they do – it’s a disaster.
It feels like I’m that damned Mermaid, making my way silently (ok, not THAT silently) through a sequence of body and mind anguish. I don’t walk anymore, you see? I move myself from one location to another without diverging from the route.
At the moment it’s like “Say NO to flat-foot. Say YES to clubfoot.”
I guess either my feet accustom themselves to the new
Whatever. I’ll simply limp to perfection. Yep.